496 Amit Ray Quotes on Mindfulness and Compassion

The power of Amit Ray Quotes lies in their ability to connect deeply with our thoughts and emotions, offering clarity and direction in an often-chaotic world.

Amit Ray Quotes
Image Source: Amit Ray

Amit Ray, a renowned spiritual leader, author, and mindfulness advocate, has inspired millions with his profound teachings on peace, compassion, and the power of the human mind. His wisdom shines through in his words, offering guidance and motivation to those seeking a more meaningful life. In this blog, we explore some of the most impactful Amit Ray Quotes that delve into mindfulness, inner strength, and self-discovery.

These quotes not only inspire but also encourage us to live with intention and purpose, making Amit Ray’s insights timeless and transformative.

Amit Ray Quotes

  1. Whether you know or not, you are the infinite potential of love, peace and joy.

2. Mind is a flexible mirror, adjust it, to see a better world.

3. In every change, in every falling leaf there is some pain, some beauty. And that’s the way new leaves grow.

4. Meditation is realizing and expanding your inner beauty in every direction.

5. Enlightenment is like quantum tunneling – when everyone sees walls and barriers, enlightened one sees infinite possibilities.

6. Open the window of your mind. Allow the fresh air, new lights and new truths to enter.

7. Each moment means a new possibility. Mindfulness is not resisting things to happen but allowing life to unfold its wings.

8. When you see the divinity in others, you are Divine. When you see ego in others, you are egoistic.

9. If we say no to plastic bags, it will save millions of people down the line.

10. When the Sun of compassion arises darkness evaporates and the singing birds come from nowhere.

11. A nuclear-weapons-free world is the highest gift of humanity to the next generation.

12. Compassion has certain vibration – vibration that resonates with the cosmos.

13. A smart city is a city where humans, trees, birds and other animals can grow with all their glories, imperfections, freedom, and creativity. They are not just cities of technology but cities of love, life, beauty, dignity, freedom and equality.

14. To catch the butterflies and the rainbows of your dream, walk alone, keep faith in yourself, focus your energy and start the adventure.

15. In travel, in the beauty of nature, we touch the eternity – the beauty of our soul.

16. Danger of excessive nationalism is nuclear annihilation. Danger of globalism is the eradication of local values and cultures. Greatness can only be realized in the middle path.

17. Every day send some blessings to the world. Let there be flow of love.

18. Compassionate Artificial Superintelligence or “AI 5.0”, empowers humanity and machine with super-intelligence, super-creativity and super-compassion, which will help humanity and machine to reach new levels of evolution of consciousness.

19. Mantra science deals with power of words, thought vibrations, concentrations, visualization, manifestation, with the structure of mind, matter, energy, consciousness and the interactions between the fundamental constituents of the observable universe and the beyond.

20. Divinity is the state of being connected with the source. It is the state when your heart is full with love, compassion, and caring. It is the state when your mind is full with joy, equanimity, peacefulness, and happiness. It is the state when you are relaxed, energetic, focused, joyful, creative, and compassionate.

21. In Ramayana, we saw Sita was sitting under a tree crying. Meanwhile Hanuman climbed the tree, dropped Rama’s ring into her lap, and told her Rama will come and save her. Our crying pure mind is looking for the Rama’s ring. Chakra meditation with breath is uniting the pure mind Sita with the pure soul Rama.

22. Magic and mystery lies on the edge, just outside the comfort zone.

23. Every struggle is like mud – there are always some lotus seeds waiting to sprout.

24. Overthinking is not a disease; it is due to the underuse of your creative power.

25. You can plant a tree to celebrate a birthday, an anniversary, a promotion or a business success. Tree hugging is the easiest yoga art to connect you with nature.

26. Every moment is a new moment to rise up and move forward into the victory.

27. When you woke up in the morning, discover the harmony and peace in the center of your heart.

28. Vajra sankalpa – firm conviction comes from the Vajra nadi. This nadi is the path of manifestation, through divine determination.

29. Great people stand out from others by their visions and not much by their intelligence.

30. Vinayak chakra and the atharvha chakra are the two vital chakras for longevity and immunity. They strengthen the B cells of the immune system.

31. Enrich your life. Dream, explore and discover the unknown lands with new eyes, new lights and new truths.

32. Compassionate AI can help people who are suffering in the prison for years, due to lack of legal support, money and education.

33. Life is like a river, if you cannot let go of the past, it will drag you down the stream.

34. Cleanliness is a mindset – a positive habit that keeps the body, mind, and environment happy, healthy, simple, neat, and delightful.

35. Looking beauty in the world, is the first step of purifying the mind.

36. Peace is the music of every heart. Our glory lies in understanding, listening and honoring that music.

37. New year is another opportunity of seeing life with little more caring, compassion, maturity and beauty.

38. Compassion is all inclusive. Compassion knows no boundaries. Compassion comes with awareness, and awareness breaks all narrow territories.

39. Life is a mystery – mystery of beauty, bliss and divinity. Meditation is the art of unfolding that mystery.

40. Education is beautification of the inner world and the outer world.

41. Divinity means unfolding and expressing life in new ways. Divinity means radiating peace, bliss and beauty in the world. Divinity means overcoming the limitations of nature in new ways.

42. God is the most beautiful, and beauty is the expression of God. If you can’t appreciate beauty in the world how can you understand God?

43. Outer world is just the mirror image of your inner world.

44. In one equation you can solve all the puzzles of life. It is the equation of giving.

45. There are millions of neurons in the brain. Humming Om chanting create resonance patterns between different brain regions that foster subsequent long-term plasticity changes in the brain.

46. Your thoughts are your message to the world. Just as the rays are the messages of the Sun.

47. Mindfulness gives freedom from negative and fixed mindset to positive and growth mindset.”

48. Killing innocent people in the name of God is the highest insult to God.

49. AI winters were not due to imagination traps, but due to lack of imaginations. Imaginations bring order out of chaos. Deep learning with deep imagination is the road map to AI springs and AI autumns.

50. Quantum attention function is like a virtual mirror which brings time in timelessness, states in statelessness, forms in formlessness and locality in non-locality.

51. Our job is to radiate more peace and more pure vibrations in the world. So that when we leave the planet, it is full of pure waves of peace, love and life.

52. Every moment brings new gifts, new possibilities. Our thoughts and actions give them shapes and realities.

53. Enjoy the peace of Nature and declutter your inner world.

54. Humanity should not remain insensitive to the forest fire or wildfire every year. Unless we act, the loss of biodiversity and extinction of herbs, birds and animals and the pains of the trees, birds, animals and the poor is also alarming signal for the extinction of humanity itself.

55. The beauty of quantum machine learning is that we do not need to depend on an algorithm like gradient descent or convex objective function. The objective function can be nonconvex or something else.

56. The purpose of karma yoga is to transcend the bondage of selfish genes through the service of others.

57. Life is an opportunity to bloom the flowers of love.

58. Spirituality is not adopting more beliefs and assumptions but uncovering the best in you.

59. Kindness has no religion – no boundaries. It is the trust of the soul.

60. Bhramari Om Chanting or Humming Om chanting sends positive messages to the brain and the cells in our body and can actually reprogram our health and behavior.

61. Mind is like a net, drawn by the needles of past and future. Mindfulness is the way for not getting stuck into that net.

62. We live in everyone. I live in you. You live in me. There is no gap, no distance.

63. In reality, we live in every one. Deep down there is a rose in every heart.

64. Without meditation life is a brief candle, with deep meditation life is an eternal light.

65. Emotional intelligence is the foundation of leadership. It balances flexibility with toughness, vision with passion, compassion with justice.

66. World needs positive energy. Put your happy energy into the universe.

67. Adaptability and change management requires strong emotional and social intelligence. It is a part of inside-out leadership.

68. New year is the new way of inviting transformation, abundance and prosperity to every life.

69. Vipassana meditation is not just seeing the things inside. It is also seeing the seer.

70. Om meditation makes the mind spacious. It gives the freedom for focus and divergent thinking. Divergent thinking is the center of human creativity.

71. Your greatest weakness lies in your demotivated mindset, mostly created by the opinions of others, not in your abilities.

72. Penetrate deep into the word “Om”. Gradually the word will disappear and only the silence will remain. The word is a support. The meaning is within you. Om brings out that meaning which is hidden in your soul.

73. Do some small acts of kindness every day consistently, and over time it will have an exponential effect on the world.

74. Give time, give space to sprout your potential. Awaken the beauty of your heart – the beauty of your spirit. There are infinite possibilities.

75. Spirituality does not lie in meditating on the body of an ex-master. Spirituality exists in mediating on your own inner body.

76. No one to blame because there is no one other than you. Nothing to disrespect because there is nothing other than you.

77. Every morning you have two choices; radiate positive energy or radiate opposite to that. Choice is yours.

78. As fasting activates autophagy and heals our body, forgiveness activates auto-metamorphosis and heals our soul.

79. Enlightenment is living in the light of cosmic collaboration.

80. To realize truth, you must cross all boundaries of all religions and all prophets.

81. Enlightenment is radiating peace and harmony from every cell, every gene and every DNA of our body.

82. When the mind is silent like a lake the lotus blossoms.

83. Leadership is not just some empty formulas but establishing deep connection at soul levels through service, integrity, passion, perseverance and equanimity.

84. Rainbows are made of small raindrops. Happy lives are made from acts of kindness.

85. Mystical bliss, joy and rapture are part of both yoga and vipassana. When the mind is concentrated, purified, bright, unblemished, free from defects, pliant and steady, this positive joy arises.

86. A compassionate heart radiates rays of beauty that remove the clouds of million hearts.

87. Yoga means connection – connection with the cosmos that transcends the limited self.

88. The greatest danger of Big data and Artificial Intelligence is robots and bots will track you and manipulate you in every step.

89. When the crown chakra opens, the 1000 petals of the perfect bliss arises. You will find no mud but nutrients.

90. Walk together. Feel the heart beats. Experience the presence. This is how to be thankful.

91. By quieting externally, you gain the space internally. Life is a flow – it goes on. Good or bad, it will always change.

92. In reality, amygdala free, compassionate intelligent machines can be the true friends of humanity. Because they will have expanded heart full of love, which can be trusted.

93. Mindfulness is not chasing the moment but beautifying the moment.

94. If you want to fly on the sky, you need to leave the earth. If you want to move forward, you need to let go the past that drags you down.

95. Kindness has no religion. It is like an open sky.

96. Your thoughts and words are the mirror images of your soul.

97. Cleanliness is a habit that keeps the body, mind, and environment neat, clean, and delightful and free from dirt and toxic things.

98. Silence is the language of Om. We need silence to be able to reach our Self. Both internal and external silence is very important to feel the presence of that supreme Love.

99. Champions never sleep, the eternal spirit keep them alert and awake.

100. Perfect prayer does not consist in many words, silent remembering and pure intention raises the heart to that supreme Power.

101. The easiest way to get touch with this universal power is through silent Prayer. Shut your eyes, shut your mouth, and open your heart. This is the golden rule of prayer. Prayer should be soundless words coming forth from the centre of your heart filled with love.

102. Mindfulness helps us to focus on one goal at a time. It helps us to be more relaxed, patience and compassionate towards the goal.

103. Yoga is the process of eliminating pain – pain form the body, mind and the society.

104. Meditation is a way for nourishing and blossoming the divinity within you.

105. Vipassana meditation is not an intellectual journey but an experiential awakening.

106. The more we practice mindfulness the more we understand the emotional dynamics of the self and others. Mindful emotions can create a positive climate leading to better outcomes.

107. In AI 5.0, the interaction between human and machine will be like evolutionary interactions between flowering plants and bees.

108. Bless the world. Let it be a wonderful world with love, peace, joy and happiness.

109. Spirituality is bringing the best in you.

110. Earth is the holiest place in the Universe, loving the earth, and loving life is the way to generate positive vibrations.

111. God wanted to make heaven and the earth is that heaven. Nowhere in the universe there is so much love, life, beauty and peace. Enjoy your stay with the fellow beings.

112. If you want joy and happiness in life, focus your energy on improving human dignity, human capacity and human values.

113. The secret of concentration is to shut down the other windows.

114. Renunciation is dropping the fear, anger, respect, and disrespect but continuously radiating unconditional love for everyone.

115. Line of control should be a garden, a place of art and cultural festival.

116. Artificial intelligence is the key tool for building large scale compassionate society with compassionate legal system, educational system, political system, journalism, economic system and healthcare system.

117. One cannot transcend the body or mind just by repeating the mantra “I am not the body and I am not the mind”.

118. Our objective is to make our-self the perfect embodiment of love, peace and compassion. We may fail, but that is not the point, the point is that we have tried and perfection can be achieved by practice only.

119. Our greatest strength lies in our ability to channelize our energy for the right cause, and stay motivated against all the odds.

120. The biggest problem of the world is not lack of education but brainwashing of innocent children by the religion institutes in the name of education. Brainwashing of innocent children no less a violence.

121. Life is a collection of moments. Mindfulness is beautification of the moments.

122. Meditation is re-discovering the inner Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God lies in our understandings and wisdom.

123. You are not alone in the struggles of life. Entire cosmos is with you. It evolves through the way you face and overcome challenges of life. Use everything in your advantage.

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124. Enjoy the limitless bliss consciousness here and now. The reality of you lies much beyond your sensory perceptions and boundaries.

125. You are never alone. You are eternally connected with everyone.

126. Mind knows the questions, soul knows the answers.

127. Smart cities are the intelligent cities of positivity and happy-energy, not the junkyards of technologies but cities of diversity, love, life, beauty, dignity, freedom, tolerance, and equality.

128. Kindness and awareness work together. Through awareness we understand the underlying beauty of everything and every being.

129. Systematic yoga and vipassana opens the “Dasham Duar” the mystical tenth spiritual gateway located at the top of the skull.

130. Smart cities do not mean creating jungles of concretes or sophisticated cities of glasses with HiFi technologies. But a smart city means a city, where humans, trees, birds and other animals can grow with all their glories, imperfections, freedom and creativity.

131. People may doubt you, but never doubt your deep inner call, inner voice and inner strength.

132. Unless you challenge yourself, you cannot grow. Mindful leadership is the art of growing by challenging the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual imposed limits on the self.

133. In every bend of time there is some surprise, joy and beauty. Mindfulness is the light to discover it.

134. Random acts of kindness, however small it may be, can transform the world.

135. The songs of the morning birds reverberates the glory of the eternal life.

136. Family, friends and relationships are the blessings of the God. They are the best way to access God.

137. Drop the people who do not value you, respect you. Life has infinite horizons. Accept yourself, love yourself, and move forward.

138. Ajna chakra, Kurma Chakra, Padma Chakars, MahaPadma chakra and the Shiva-Shakti Chakras are associated with Lord Shiva along with the Vishuddhi Chakra and the Muladhara chakra.

139. This is high time to stop building AI based autonomous weapons systems and focus more AI energy on building compassionate artificial intelligent systems for serving humanity.

140. Everyday you need to take some actions – actions to improve your life and actions to improve someone else’s life.

141. Do not expose yourself too much with the negative messages of the news media. Keep yourself informed but don’t cultivate fear psychology.

142. The role of United Nations is to create more smiling face and to fulfill the dreams of the innocent children of the world.

143. Yoga exercises are the best connecting tools for unity, human dignity, health, equality, global peace and compassion.

144. Non-violence is more powerful than violence. Nature eliminates violent animals bit by bit.

145. Mindful leaders know how to repeat success patterns and overcome failure patterns.

146. As flower blooms in spring, compassion grows in mindfulness.

147. We all are so deeply interconnected; we have no option but to love all. Be kind and do good for any one and that will be reflected. The ripples of the kind heart are the highest blessings of the Universe.

148. Success comes when you have the trust on self, passion to transcend, and courage to do.

149. Light the candle of love. Spread the rays of happiness in every direction in every breath.

150. Small mind competes, big mind collaborates and great mind encompasses.

151. Give space to life. Give time to sprout your potential – the potential to awaken the beauty in you. Awaken the beauty of your heart – the beauty of your spirit. There are infinite possibilities.

152. Don’t be carried away by the current of the situation. Focus on the essentials, take action on the best alternative are the ways of shifting from reactive to proactive mindset.

153. Create gaps between stimulus and reaction and the gap will show you the path.

154. When the petals of the heart unfold, fragrance spreads across the valley.

155. Overthinking arises when you are disconnected – disconnected from the body, mind, soul, society and the nature.

156. Life is a manifestation of the unified field of consciousness. Colors, beauty, pleasure and pain are its songs of creation.

157. Beyond the corridor of our space-time there are infinite numbers of universes, each of them is governed by its own set of laws and physics.

158. Clean the lenses of your heart – world is beautiful.

159. Unless you go out of your comfort zone. Unless you challenge yourself, you cannot grow. Leadership is the art of growing by pushing yourself past your own physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual limits.

160. When the sunlight hit the trees, all the beauty and wonder come together. Soul unfolds its petals. Flowering and fruiting of plants starts. The birds song light up the spinal column and harmonize the hippocampal functioning.

161. There is no glory of using technologies like artificial intelligence, swarm drones and quantum computing for developing mass destruction weapons. Our glory lies in using technologies and AI for embracing all, generating love and happiness, and removing the pain of the humanity.

162. 72000 nadis are the areas where modern medical science can learn a lot from the ancient science of yoga and Ayurveda.

163. With the exponential improvement in technology, the destiny of humanity should move towards more collaboration, more generosity, more freedom, more caring and more fulfilling life for everyone, and not nuclear annihilation.

164. Every moment nature is serving fresh dishes with the items of happiness. It is our choice to recognize and taste it.

165. In our life there is one side which is finite and another side which is infinite. I want you to think about both the sides and design the best life and stand in their true values.

166. Believe in yourself and be the source of joy in someone else’s life.

167. Peacefully protest for justice, transformational change and human rights are the heartbeats of democracy.

168. Compassion is the thread to connect with the Universe.

169. Self-observation is the first step of inner unfolding.

170. Excellence comes when we balance quality with quantity.

171. Success needs vision to see, passion to transcend, patience to withstand and the character to overcome failures.

172. Smiling face of every little girl is the signature of God’s presence.

173. Breath is the finest gift of nature. Be grateful for this wonderful gift.

174. Waiting for perfect time and opportunity. It comes never – start now.

175. You are the Golden Witnessing Screen. Meditation is the effortless effort to keep that screen clean, clear and perfect.”

176. To reach the stars of your dream, you need to take a brand-new path, overcome the challenges of life and rise above the horizon like a new sun.

177. Women are the nourishing power of the Universe. Whoever has deep respect for women of the world, will remain free from diseases.

178. Enlightenment is the ultimate nourishment for body, mind, and soul. It is the ultimate freedom and ecstasy of life.

179. If you love a tree you will be more beautiful than before!

180. My spirituality is the spirituality of love. You give love to the Universe and the Universe reflect back the refined love back to you. Because love is all-pervading, divine, and the ultimate Godliness.

181. Winning is a habit – leadership is calmly maintaining that habit against all odds.

182. Art is an expression that transcends religion, culture, country, people and time.

183. Great leaders have three things; inner light, inner vision and inner strength.

184. Take care of your words and the words will take care of you.

185. Raindrops make rivers and ocean – our deep intention and positive actions will make the world free from nuclear weapons and wars.

186. Biological quantum coherence process is different from optical quantum coherence. Biological quantum coherence is long, and more robust in warm, noisy, and complex environment. They are the fundamental process of all living organisms.

187. Yoga is the best tool for international peace, health, harmony and human dignity.

188. Be a Columbus smell the fragrance of the new lands and discover them.

189. Spirituality is developing much more trust, believe and faith in your own strength than in your own weakness.

190. Energy comes not from your muscle neither from your heart. It comes from your inner source.

191. You will shine wherever you go – just carry the light of compassion in your heart.

192. Life is not a battle to win but a melody to sing.

193. Collaboration has no hierarchy. The Sun collaborates with soil to bring flowers on the earth.

194. Be like a lotus. Let the beauty of your heart speak.

195. AUM or Om is not related to any religion because Om was practiced before the birth of all the religions of the world.

196. Reconnect with the highest truth and ignite the divine sparks in you.

197. You don’t need to compete with the rest. You don’t need constant validation from others. You just need to excel in your own field. You just need to bloom the flower that you are.

198. Equanimity is the hallmark of spirituality. It is neither chasing nor avoiding but just being in the middle.

199. The world needs huge positive energy to fight against the negative forces. Go to the center of your inner begin and generate that positive energy for the welfare of the humanity.

200. We all are so deeply interconnected; we have no option but to love all.

201. Enlightenment is living in the light of cosmic collaboration. Collaboration gives us the freedom to come out of the boundaries of limited realities.

202. Teaching yoga itself is great karma yoga, because it reconnects people to the source.

203. There is nectar in your soul. Meditation is the art of discovering that nectar, enriching it and distributing it for the welfare of the humanity.

204. Planting a tree is the easiest way to align yourself with the cosmic rhythm.

205. Precision medicine is a data driven, knowledge driven, compassion driven, social intelligence driven, genetically compatible tailoring medical treatment and prevention systems for individual patients.

206. Mindfulness is not the path of chasing. It is the path of beautification. When flowers blossom, the fragrance spreads, and the bees come.

207. PTSD and ADHD happen due to excessive unconscious access to the pain body. You can come out of that by accessing the bliss body through meditation.

208. If you want to win, drop the past trends. Genius creates new trends and the crowd follows the past.

209. Line of control must be renamed as garden of love and the barbed wire fencing should be replaced by the garden of flowers.

210. When you unlock the mysteries of the 114 chakras, you will truly realize that you are not the body and not even the mind. You are the eternal spirit.

211. Fill the canvas of life with the colors of peace bliss beauty and love.

212. There is a God part in you. The consciousness. The pure Self. Learn to listen the voice of that Power.

213. Yoga is not a religion. It is a science, science of well-being, science of youthfulness, science of integrating body, mind, and soul.

214. Enlightenment begins when you change your mindset – from a blaming mindset to blessing mindset, from a negative mindset to positive mindset, from fixed mindset to growth mind set, from linear mindset to exponential mindset.

215. Mindfulness is observing the beauty of every moment unfolding before us.

216. Consciousness is not just interaction of neurotransmitters in the brain it has also some quantum cosmic component.

217. The most important journey of our lives is doing good for the world, especially working for the upliftment of human conditions, human values, human dignity and human rights.

218. Prayer should be soundless words coming forth from the center of your heart filled with love.

219. Yoga is bringing suppleness in body, calmness in mind, kindness in heart and awareness in life.

220. To transcend the identification with the body one has to realize the auspiciousness and divinity residing within each cell of the body. One needs to realize the illusory nature of the body.

221. Yoga is the space where flower blossoms.

222. International peace negotiations need more value creation than value claiming. The more we create value for peace and development, the easier it is going to be to claim value for nuclear weapons free world.

223. World is a multi-dimensional reality. At lower level it is full with unconsciousness and competitiveness. At higher level it is full with beauty, bliss and divinity. Focus on higher dimensions.

224. To get the best view of life, you have to reach heights above the life.

225. My way is the way of silent revolution; revolution to raise the human consciousness through positive vibrations.

226. Spirituality is all about connection – connection with inner self and the Self that is in every being.

227. Compassion makes you strong, caring and creative. It creates a different attitude, a level of maturity and understanding, where you do something which makes you stand out of crowd.

228. The door is always open for you. You just need to open your mind and walk into the heaven of love.

229. Plastic free living is a habit. If we love trees, flowers, and humanity, we must cultivate that.

230. Mindfulness is not a mechanical process. It is developing a very gentle, kind, and creative awareness to the present moment.

231. Life throws challenges but with patience and resilience you can convert every challenge into a new opportunity to grow.

232. Your greatest awakening comes, when you are aware about your infinite nature.

233. Om is the mysterious cosmic energy that is the substratum of all the things and all the being of the entire universe. It is the eternal song of the Divine.

234. In every crisis, doubt or confusion, take the higher path – the path of compassion, courage, understanding and love.

235. There are miracles and glory in every child. Our glory lies in empowering them to flourish their glory.

236. Your purpose is your identity; focus your energy on great purposes.

237. When life is foggy, path is unclear and mind is dull, remember your breath. It has the power to give you the peace. It has the power to resolve the unsolved equations of life.

238. Quantum mechanics tells us that every feeling is a collapse of some wave functions due to the interference of a matrix of attention functions.

239. Deep down, nature is inherently peaceful, calm and beautiful. The universe as a whole is perfect. The chaos is on the surface.

240. Om is a living phenomenon and it has its own mood. Depending on its mood the meaning will be revealed to you.

241. Joy is found when you focus your energy on improving human dignity, human capacity and human values.

242. It is most unfortunate that researchers are crazy to build AI based autonomous weapons systems, without understanding that it can destroy humanity in totality.

243. Emotions are an essential part of human intelligence. Without emotional intelligence, AI is incomplete.

244. My job is to radiate love. My job is to radiate peace. My job is to connect every heart with the eternal source of peace, bliss, love and tranquility.

245. Mindfulness gives us the power to understand our deep connection with the trees, flowers, stars, sun and the moon.

246. Breathe out unwanted thoughts with your exhale and re-focus your attention directly on what is important right now, at this moment.

247. Mindfulness removes the emotional fogs of negative thoughts with the light of awareness.

248. Be positive and stop negative thinking and the key to stop negative thoughts in this hour of crisis of COVID-19, is to spread your love and positive energy in every direction for the well-being of the whole humanity.

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249. Plastic pollution free world is not a choice but a commitment to life – a commitment to the next generation.

250. Have love for your inner Self and everything else is done for you.

251. Wake up, live your life and sing the melody of your soul.

252. Remember your connection with the cosmos. Remember your connection with the infinity and that remembrance will give you the freedom.

253. Universe is one consciousness. Our life, intellect, feelings and experiences are the baubles in that ocean.

254. The ethical integration of artificial intelligence with human values and emotions is the foundation of future artificial intelligence.

255. Wake up; the world is waiting for your sunny energy. You are the inspiration for many.

256. In Sanskrit words are like living beings; depending on context, circumstance and environment their mood varies and meaning differs.

257. A nuclear-weapons-free world is our commitment to the next generation. Our dream is to fulfill the dreams and rights of the innocent children of the future world.

258. True virtue is knowing the self not by intellectual knowledge but by pure silence.

259. If you want to ask one question, ask yourself, what are you giving to the universe and only that will be returned.

260. Caring a tree is caring of your soul.

261. The greatest luxury of life is peaceful breathing because it repairs the wounds of the cosmic soul.

262. It is the duty of the United Nations, is to make every international border a garden, a place of art and cultural festival.

263. Any type of violence is against God, against religion, against spirituality, against humanity, and against nature. Maturity comes only through non-violence, love, and all-inclusiveness.

264. Life is not a tale told by an idiot, but a melody sung by the eternity.

265. You are not your thoughts; you are the observer of your thoughts.

266. Echo of your thoughts has greater impact on the world than your actions.

267. Exercises are like prose, whereas yoga is the poetry of movements. Once you understand the grammar of yoga; you can write your poetry of movements.

268. Om Mani Padme Hum is the mantra of love and compassion. It is the mantra of awakening the collective consciousness. It is the mantra of connecting with the Universal Consciousness.

269. Peace is the highest religion. Peace is the glory of humanity.

270. Your beliefs can be a prison system created by your mind for yourself. But the door is not locked. If you are aware, you can always come out of that.

271. Beautify your breath – beautify your life.

272. Beauty is the moment when time vanishes. Beauty is the space where eternity arises.

273. It is not over. Champions extend their limits and make things happen.

274. Some souls are like empty bench in an evening park, no one to take care. The role of compassionate artificial intelligence is to fulfill those souls with love and care.

275. Indian System of Medicine is not just traditional Ayurveda, unani, or yoga but also a vast field of ancient oral and family medicine traditions. Especially nadi based gut-brain axis modulation medicines are most effective for terminal illness.

276. Spirituality is not decorating the ego with philosophies, dogmas and rituals. But finding out the eternal center of love in the heart, which no storm can disturb.

277. There is only one all pervading God. It has only one message – Love all, encompass all and transcend the limits of the selfish gene.

278. The role of the United Nations is to set the mental clocks of the world leaders from past problems to the present opportunities and from local power mindset to global welfare mindset.

279. Universe is like a soup of consciousness. Brain is just a receiver. Awareness is continuously transforming thoughts into matter.

280. Feel the blessings of the moment, this will bring success in all matters.

281. When you cross your comfort zone, fear zone, learning zone and growth zone, you will enter into the zone of leadership.

282. Our heart is wide enough to embrace the world and hands are long enough to encompass the world.

283. Kindness has no boundaries. It is the language of the soul.

284. Each moment has different flavor, different beauty and different texture.

285. Yoga means connection – connection with the Supreme Self.

286. Light of compassion and the light of wisdom that arises from our deepest and truest nature surpasses all other lights.

287. A smart city is an intelligent town that provides enormous possibilities for human growth through art, culture, social, architectural, economic, political, environmental, and scientific flowering with the optimal mix of nature, technology, humanity, and arts.

288. If you are driven by fear, anger or pride nature will force you to compete. If you are guided by courage, awareness, tranquility and peace nature will serve you.

289. Collaboration is the essence of life. The wind, bees and flowers work together, to spread the pollen.

290. The purpose of quantum computing based compassionate artificial intelligence is to develop integrated systems that can preserve and enhance human values of peace, love, happiness and freedom.

291. Ayurveda is not just a few medicines or a few scriptures, but a holistic total lifestyle deeply involved with yoga, meditation, food habits and epigenetic social cultures.

292. Sanskrit is a beautiful contextual language. It is called “Dev Bhasha” the language of the soul. Here, meanings of the words must come from the heart, from direct experience – dictionary meanings or static meanings have not much value. Meanings of the words vary depending on mind-set, time, location and culture. The words are made to expand the possibilities of the mind.

293. Immortality is our mindset – mindset to transcend disease, aging and death. We live forever by our contribution to the world.

294. Compassion is an inbuilt human nature. It is the human potential to reach the higher evolution of consciousness. Compassion comprises feelings, emotions, sentiment and understanding.

295. Life is not always perfect. Like a road, it has many bends, ups and down, but that’s its beauty.

296. If you can, dance on the edge play with the chaos, uncertainty, and new possibilities.

297. Our wings are small but the ripples of the heart are infinite.

298. I am a believer of butterfly effect. A small positive vibration can change the entire cosmos.

299. Do not accept whatever comes. Do not accept whatever goes. You have infinite power. Exercise your choice.

300. Mindful living is a conscious way of living – noticing the beauty of life in every moment.

301. Hugging a tree, understanding the language of trees and sending loving kindness to trees will make you rich. Because it connects you to the source – the source of abundance.

302. Every moment is right moment for taking right decision and right action.

303. Love is the sweetest melody of the soul and anything can be catalyst for that.

304. The greatest weapon against stress is relaxed breathing.

305. Quantum attention functions are the keys to quantum machine learning.

306. Meditation is not a task to perform but allowing the thinking engine to take rest. In the restfulness of the thinking engine eternity arises.

307. Focus your energy on the fragrance and beauty of the petals not on the thorns.

308. World is a dance. Mindfulness is witnessing that dance.

309. Do not live in the shadow of the masters for ever. Learn to live in the light of your soul. Life deserves full expression.

310. Science of happiness lies in our understanding. The secrets of happiness lie in our capacity to expand our heart.

311. God is whispering in your heart, in the whole existence, just tune your ears.

312. Jnana yoga is the yoga of kindness and compassion – serving the self that is everywhere.

313. Education is unfolding the wings of head and heart together. The job of a teacher is to push the students out of the nest to strengthen their wings.

314. Localization is pain. Non-localization is liberation and enlightenment.

315. My experiments are experiments with love, compassion and blessings. From the top of the Himalaya, I always send positive vibrations to every part of the world and let there be positive transformations, and by the grace of the Supreme it works.

316. The light of compassion opens the petals of the heart. When the petals of the heart unfold fragrance spreads across the valley.

317. Karma yoga is giving food to the hungry, clothes to the needy, shelter to the homeless, education to the uneducated, medicine to the sick, and trees and cleanliness to the environment.

318. Breath is our unbroken, coherent connection with the whole. It expresses itself as matter, energy, life and consciousnesses. Meditation is understanding that connection.

319. In the path of compassion even if we can save an insect that has a huge impact on the cosmos.

320. Be brave. Be free from philosophies, prophets and holy lies. Go deep into your feelings and explore the mystery of your body, mind and soul. You will find the truth.

321. The Universe is the creation of the mind. Universe exists inside the mind as the flower exists inside the seed.

322. You are a cosmic flower. Om chanting is the process of opening the psychic petals of that flower.

323. Quantum machine learning promises to discover the optimal network topologies and hyperparameters automatically without human intervention.

324. Present moment awareness, effortlessness and joyfulness are the three key components of mindfulness.

325. Cultivate blessing. Bless yourself. Bless the whole world. Let it be full with love, peace, joy and happiness.

326. When you know the knower within, you don’t need to know further. When you know the meditator within, you don’t need to meditate further. When you truly know the worshiper in you, you are to be worshiped.

327. You have planted many seeds in the garden of possibilities. Meditation is the art removing the weeds from the garden of possibilities.

328. When your inner world is fragmented, the outer world is broken. When inner world is flowery and unbroken, the outer world is healed by your presence.

329. Earth is the play ground of our children and their children. We cannot allow it to be the play ground of the nuclear arms of the evil forces.

330. Simulating the behavior of 100 billion neurons of human brain is not feasible by classical computer but quantum machine learning promises to fulfill that requirement.

331. Mindfulness is observing and asking why. Millions saw the apple fall but Newton asked why.

332. Compassionate AI must interact with the agent with a smiling face and loving attitude and understand the limitations and pains of the agent.

333. If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.

334. Life is a field of cosmic consciousness, expressing itself in million ways in space-time through quantum entanglement.

335. There is no teacher equal to mother and there’s nothing more contagious than the dignity of a father.

336. World is a divine play. At the beginning and at the end, we are the same.

337. At the core of your Heart, you are perfect and pure. No one and nothing can alter that.

338. Prayer is the sign of your weakness. Rely on your inner strength. You will be the winner.

339. The world of the rayons is below the planck constant, where the quasi quanta metamorphosis takes place in seven phases.

340. Some fish love to swim upstream. Some people love to overcome challenges.

341. Unless you forgive, unless you open the wings of your heart you can not move forward.

342. Sanjivani chakra and the ayush chakra are the two key chakras for enhancing immunity and longevity. They strengthen the T cells of the immune system.

343. Our role is to hand over a safe and beautiful world to the next generations full with human rights and cultural diversity.

344. Meditate, Visualize and Create your own reality and the universe will simply reflect back to you.

345. Every once in a while you need to challenge yourself and learn new things.

346. Mystical bliss, joy and rapture arises when you realize the inner Sun.

347. Courage comes when you match your beliefs and values with your actions and words.

348. When we are aware about our body’s sensations, we can release physical pain, tensions or stress through slow movements.

349. Pressure, stress, strain anxiety are not real, they are the creation of your limited mindset. Focus not on the results, but on your attitude, mindset and the process.

350. Yoga is the ultimate fusion of science and spirituality.

351. A seed cannot grow in stone. Compassion is the fertile soil where life grows.

352. Science is observing truth in the light of head. Religion is observing truth in the light of heart. Humanity is using both the lights. And education is developing that humanity.

353. Meditation is preparing one hand for blessing the world and preparing the other hand for doing well-being of the world.

354. Stop overthinking. Put more energy into what you really want to do.

355. Every morning has a unique story. There are always some seeds of possibilities waiting to sprout.

356. Just trusting the soul cannot lead you to higher consciousness. You have to pay attention for the beautification of your heart.

357. Blaming none, disrespecting nothing is the doorway to Unity Consciousness.

358. Fasting is a mindset – a positive habit to jump-start natural healing process in the body and mind. It triggers autophagy, the cellular self-cleansing process.

359. Not a hot planet but a beautiful earth with clear sky, clean water, and clean air is our commitment to the the next generations.

360. The coming era of Artificial Intelligence will not be the era of war, but be the era of deep compassion, non-violence, and love.

361. To catch the rainbows of your dreams, love yourself, love what you do, and how you do.

362. Yoga is an exact science in the form of poetry when we measure the flow of neurotransmitters in the brain.

363. There are two types of cleanliness: organic cleanliness and chemical cleanliness. Often chemical cleanliness is toxic and harmful. Natural or organic cleanliness focus on maintaining harmony with nature.

364. Every day is a good day. There is something to learn, care and celebrate.

365. For each new morning let there be flow of love. Let there be light of happiness in every direction.

366. The singing Sun the signing moon the singing stars and the singing galaxies are the direct expression of the divine word AUM.”

367. Embodied cognition is the science linked with the ancient science of mantra-tantra-yantra systems. It deals with body-mind and ego simultaneously as an integrated system. It encompasses biological, psychological and cultural context together.

368. Truth is neither in the scripture nor in the words of prophets. It is in your heart, feel it, discover it and expand with it.

369. The key to resolving international conflict with a positive outcome includes looking for a win-win situation, finding common ground, formulating proactive strategies, using effective negotiation and communication, and appreciating cultural differences.

370. Gambling rules doesn’t work in nuclear war – everyone become looser.

371. Indian Nadi System of Medicine is not much part of traditional Ayurveda, Unani, or yoga but part of a few ancient oral and family medicine traditions of India.

372. Compassion drives us to cry for those who are in pain and suffering. Compassion dares us to move into the unknown where it can injure us.

373. Suffering is due to our disconnection with the inner soul. Meditation is establishing that connection.

374. Our true nature is divine and eternal. Our true purpose of life is to awaken and realize that permanent divinity that is within us.

375. When people see light of trust, respect and responsibility in you. You are successful. You are a leader.

See also  45 Saint Augustine Of Hippo Quotes

376. Artificial Intelligence is not just learning patterns from data, but understanding human emotions and its evolution from its depth and not just fulfilling the surface level human requirements, but sensitivity towards human pain, happiness, mistakes, sufferings and well-being of the society are the parts of the evolving new AI systems.

377. Change is the truth of life. The only thing that causes pain is resistance to change. The way to growth is to accept it and conquer it with a tranquil mind.

378. In this era of fake news and paid news artificial intelligence is more and more used as a political tool to manipulate and dictate common people, through big data, biometric data, and AI analysis of online profiles and behaviors in social media and smart phones. But the days are not far when AI will also control the politicians and the media too.

379. Compassion is like mother giving love to her children. Mother’s ways are higher than others, even when everyone rejects, mother accepts with her arms open and wide.

380. Understand your purpose and the belief-energy. Belief energy is the core of leadership and success. Design your belief energy for higher purpose and values. Belief energy can inspire and motivate you and others. Articulate, communicate and radiate your positive belief energy.

381. A bird is safe in its nest – but that is not what its wings are made for.

382. As more and more artificial intelligence is entering into the world, more and more emotional intelligence must enter into leadership.

383. Rohini Chakra, Bindu Chakra, Revati Chakra, Indu Chakra, and Manas Chakra of the Ray 114 Chakra System are the key subconscious mind awakening chakras.

384. Collaboration gives the freedom to come out form the narrow scopes of life to the field of endless possibilities.

385. Fallen leaves on the ground are the golden song of immortal creativity.

386. Brahman is the ultimate reality; it is simultaneously Saguna and Nirguna; divisions are due to ignorance. Mind and intellect can never catch hold of it; they have only one option and that is to merge with it.

387. Humans are dynamic tree. Trees have a crown on top and they stand upright. Trees are just other half of human.

388. Spirituality is folding both the hands out of love in front of the cosmic divinity that is everywhere.

389. Yoga is not just repetition of few postures – it is more about the exploration and discovery of the subtle energies of life.

390. The true miracle lies in our eagerness to allow, appreciate, and honor the uniqueness, and freedom of each sentient being to sing the song of their heart.

391. Compassion is contagious. Every moment we choose compassion, we move towards a better world.

392. Quantum coherence in the ion channels of the neurons and the neural circuits in the brain creates the decision behaviors and quantum cognition.

393. The power of biological weapons is ten times more than the nuclear power. Unless we act fast with an open mind, any one of them can extinct the human race.

394. Focus your energy on peace, bliss, and beauty. Life will be blissful and the world will be peaceful.

395. In reality, Allopathic medicine should be called as alternative medicine. As Ayurveda is more holistic, proven, time tested, fewer side effects, and older than the allopathy.

396. Turn on the light within, expand your horizons and reach your full potential.

397. There are many goals but one path – the path of compassion.

398. Mindful leadership keeps you cool and energetic in any situation, so that you can make the best possible decisions.

399. You need bravery because in the picture of soul, the bravery points are the most beautiful.

400. Great leaders know that under the turmoil of chaos and change, there is a beauty of patterns and designs.

401. Look the world through the eyes of a mother. Enlightenment gives you the power to see the world in the eyes of a loving mother. See the world through the lens of forgiveness, gratefulness and carefulness.

402. It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth, how much money you have gathered or how much attention you have received. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters.

403. Our greatest strength lies in our skill to focus and channelize our energy for the right cause and not for scattered purposes.

404. If you can the conquer the world within, you can easily conquer the world outside.

405. Raise you awareness and share your uniqueness to the world.

406. You can grow like a tall tree, when you enjoy the sun, wind, rain, storms and the stars in the dark nights.

407. COVID-19 is not just a medical challenge, but a spiritual challenge too. To defeat covid humanity need to follow the path of self-purification, compassion, nonviolence, God and the Nature.

408. You are the ultimate freedom, peace and bliss – free from the trace of desire, fear and doubts.

409. We are constantly evolving as we are interacting with the world. Mindfulness and growth mindset drives our evolution faster and on right tracks.

410. Samsara is one flower. Nirvana is another flower. Enlightenment happens when both the flowers blooms.

411. Nonviolence is the way to listen to the inner voice.

412. There is only one all-pervading God. It has no religion, no incarnation. It is free from all contaminations.

413. Overthinking arises when you unconsciously provoke negative emotions and thoughts and avoid positive emotions and thoughts.

414. Concentration attracts luck factor.

415. Earth rejoices our words, breathing and peaceful steps. Let every breath, every word and every step make the mother earth proud of us.

416. Every morning is a gift of life – bring some smile on your face and welcome the happiness of life.

417. The best photo of the day is photo of a kind heart.

418. Ojas chakra is a micro-environment of spiritual energy and leadership. The network consists of mahapadma chakras, two padma chakras and the subtle connection of the third eye.

419. Mindfulness helps us to live in harmony with our thoughts, words and actions.

420. Every morning is a new opportunity to enrich our lives and to understand and expand the best in our life.

421. Life may try to knock you down but be persistent with your passions – cultivate grit, resilience, tenacity and endurance success will come.

422. In every crisis, confusion and doubt, take the higher path – the path of patience, alertness, courage, understandings and love. Fears and uncertainties are temporary. In the higher path the light of happiness comes soon.

423. The more we practice nonviolence in our words, thoughts and actions the more peaceful will be our inner state.

424. Love is our strength to overcome the evils of the world.

425. Yoga and Vipassana are the two most time tested ancient techniques for keeping the body, mind and spirit in harmony and in sync. There is no contradiction between yoga and vipassana. They are complementary to each other.

426. The key to overcome crisis is patience, courage, self-discipline, adaptation and alertness.

427. Highest miracle is to discover who you are – the ultimate possibility.

428. An university is judged by the beauty of its tree lines.

429. There is a music of the universes in every heart.

430. Be the music of your soul. Don’t be a pawn in someone else’s game.

431. In the land of light there is only one currency. The currency of love.

432. Formal education teaches how to stand, but to see the rainbow you must come out and walk many steps on your own.

433. If you carry a weapon, war will follow you. If you carry a smile, love will knock at your door.

434. Meditation is listening to the song of the inner Soul, seeing the beauty of the inner Self, smelling the fragrance of the inner Spirit, experiencing the touch of the inner energies and tasting the intense sweetness of the inner God.

435. Stand up for who you are. Respect your Self and ignite the divine sparks in you. Access your powers. Choose your rights and work together with others to bring blessings into the lives.

436. As flowers increases the sweetness of the nectar by hearing the humming sounds of the bees, Om chanting increases the sweetness of life.

437. Conscious breathing is the best antidote to stress, anxiety and depression.

438. Science of yoga and ayurveda is subtler than the science of medicine, because science of medicine is often victim of statistical manipulation.

439. The extravaganza of nature ignites the light that you have inside.

440. Mindfulness is the art of breaking the chain – the chain of the negative thoughts, beliefs and the habit patterns.

441. The greatest compassion is the prevention of human suffering through patience, alertness, courage and kindness.

442. Life throws challenges and every challenge comes with rainbows and lights to conquer it.

443. Bringing countries together above their conflicts require great minds and great hearts.

444. Quantum physics teaches us that we can simultaneously exist in many places, under certain conditions.

445. Meditation is spending time with the self. It is the time to be intimated with the soul.

446. There are two types of seeds in the mind: those that create anger, fear, frustration, jealousy, hatred and those that create love, compassion, equanimity and joy. Spirituality is germination and sprouting of the second group and transforming the first group.

447. Meditation gives clear understanding about body and brain interface with consciousness.

448. Primary aim of quantum artificial intelligence is to improve human freedom, dignity, equality, security, and total well-being.

449. Beauty is the purest feeling of the soul. Beauty arises when soul is satisfied.

450. Mindfulness arises when you allow your attention to fall effortlessly on the breathing point like an autumn leaf falling on a lake of still water.

451. Meditation is making every breath; a kind breath, a compassionate breath and a loving breath.

452. Everyone has the fire, but the champions know when to ignite the spark.

453. The core of the ecological imbalance and global warming is the exploitation mindset. Nature is not for exploitation but exploration for better living, coexistence, co-caring, and co-growing.

454. Dahlias are the symbol of beauty, wealth and prosperity. Like attracts like. Dahlia attracts prosperity.

455. Beautify your inner dialogue. Beautify your inner world with love light and compassion. Life will be beautiful.

456. You are blessed, You are great. You are not alone. You are powerful.

457. Meditation is to understand that one breath, which connects all beings.

458. Whether you know or not, you are the infinite potential of love, peace and joy.

459. You don’t need to play every ball but every ball needs your judgement.

460. Nonviolence is a way of life, where the task is to awaken the underlying goodness of every human being.

461. The ripples of the kind heart are the highest blessings of the Universe.

462. A compassionate leader always feel motivated to bring happiness and relieve the suffering of customers, investors, suppliers, employees, government and the communities.

463. Vipassana meditation is an ongoing creative purification process. Observation of the moment-to-moment experience cleanses the mental layers, one after another.

464. The tower of success stands on the pillars of vision, action, patience and the character to withstand criticisms.

465. Only the brave men and women can bring peace to the world, not by practicing war but by practicing nonviolence.

466. Humanity is on the verge of digital slavery at the hands of AI and biometric technologies. One way to prevent that is to develop inbuilt modules of deep feelings of love and compassion in the learning algorithms.

467. Universe is an empty mirror. Life is just the reflection of your deep thoughts.

468. Education is discovering your full potential and flourishing that potential for the benefit of the humanity.

469. In the garden of dreams, there are many great seeds of possibilities waiting to sprout – looking for your attention – the water and the light.

470. The science of artificial intelligence starts with freedom of humanity and should not end in slavery in any form. The only constraint to freedom is the freedom of others and nothing else.

471. Compassion is the signature of Higher Consciousness. Non-violence is the tool to evolve into the Higher Consciousness.

472. Compassion changes your interpretation and perception about the world, people and incidents. It provides the direct link with the cosmic oneness.

473. Drop the fear. What you fear most, can be a repeated theme in your life.

474. Courage is the hallmark of spirituality. Courage comes when you love yourself for who you are.

475. Compassion by design can be the part of new social robots, drone based warfare robots and the new cyborgs. Dehumanization or degrading human quality or developing negative attitudes towards any human group should not be allowed through our DeepCompassion algorithms and frameworks. The superhumanization algorithms will try to empower the robots and the cyborgs with super positive qualities of compassion, caring and high human values.

476. Everyday we can make the world a better place to live, just by not using the plastic bags.

477. God is peace, bliss, beauty and truth. Focus your energy on that, life will be like that.

478. Purpose of life is to generate more love, peace and harmony in the world.

479. Yoga means addition – addition of energy, strength and beauty to body, mind and soul.

480. Yoga is establishing connection with the every cell of the body and with every soul of the cosmos.

481. By seeing the beauty of nature you touch the eternity within you.

482. Synaptic downscaling during the meditation leads to a reduced energy demand of the brain. Meditation can provide synaptic re-normalization. Meditation represents a reduced oxygen consumption of the brain and therefore lower energy metabolism requirements.

483. Yoga is establishing connection with the every cell of the body and with every soul of the cosmos.

484. Center of your heart is the center of the Universe. Go to that center and radiate positive vibration for the well-being of the humanity.

485. Intuitions are like migratory birds, they come without a map without a reason.

486. And suddenly you realize: you are in every dot of the universe vanishing and arising.

487. You are your master. Only you have the master keys to open the inner locks.

488. Circumstances make a thing poison or nectar. There is nothing absolutely good or bad.

489. Urja chakra is the chakra of strength and vitality. It removes the fatigue from overwork, blood deficiency, illness, emotional upset and insomnia. Shilajit is the key herb for this chakra.

490. Every crisis demands self-discipline, patience, early adaptation and adjustment to the changing situation.

491. In every crisis, the true heroism is self-discipline, patience and strong determination.

492. The science of prayer is reprogramming your subconscious mind and the art of prayer is connecting with the higher Self.

493. This very body is indeed Kashi, the illumined divine field of cosmic energy and pure consciousness.

494. Compassionate leaders honor the complexity of human relationships, nurture authenticity and create common grounds for blooming great ideas of individuals.

495. Life has many petals. Spirituality is unfolding those petals with with love, responsibility, equanimity, creativity and compassion.

496. Fixed mindset worries in the nest and the growth mindset dances on the edge.


The power of Amit Ray Quotes lies in their ability to connect deeply with our thoughts and emotions, offering clarity and direction in an often-chaotic world.

His teachings remind us of the importance of mindfulness, compassion, and resilience in our daily lives.

By reflecting on these quotes, we can find the courage to embrace inner peace and strive for personal growth.

Let Amit Ray’s wisdom guide you on your journey toward a fulfilled and harmonious life.

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